The F-Word


There it is. Take a good, long look. It’s the most important word in my life right now.

Like a lot of women with minds and bodies (that’s most of us), I’ve become incredibly angry lately. These sonsobitches who are systematically trying to overturn Roe v. Wade and make abortion completely illegal have pissed me right off. And I would say, “No uterus, no opinion,” but there are actual female women who are fighting against women’s rights. What the actual fuck?

All of this is not to say that I’m only just realizing that things are bad. The War on Women has been waging for quite some time and it has made me furious for about as long as I was capable of being aware. I’d say somewhere around age fourteen. But here lately, I just can’t stand it anymore.

That, of course, is indicative of a huge amount of privilege. I live a comfortable life and have heretofore been able to get by as a pretty lazy feminist. No more.

I’m here to learn and to change and hopefully to educate. I want to hear about how I haven’t been doing the work for my sisters. I can talk the talk all day, but I’m sure I’ll need help walking the walk.

To borrow a phrase I first heard on the podcast “Stuff Mom Never Told You”, let’s call each other in, not out. I want to be a better ally, a better activist, a better feminist. So I’m going to start this blog with purpose and intention, but I reserve the right to change as a person. You should, too.

Header Photo by Lindsey LaMont on Unsplash

2 thoughts on “The F-Word”

  1. Please post definition of feminist so we’re all responding from the same vantage point.
    Thank you.


    1. Irene, I’m glad you asked about this because it seems a lot of people operate under very different understandings of the word “feminism.” The basic definition is, “the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.” I also included it in my glossary-in-progress, which can be found on the left-hand side of the site.

      Thanks and love!


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